Welcome to the Biker, Gothic, Baroque, Street Jewelry Blog, the first of its kind.

We scour the globe for the edgiest designers and artists for sterling silver jewelry - biker jewelry, gothic, baroque, skull rings, metal & leather works. The realist jewelry is often highly intricate; custom; handcrafted; imaginative; and beautifully created pieces of wearable art made in sterling silver and other precious metals. Established in 2008, Los Angeles. Instagram @excessive21.


Sunday, September 28, 2008

Biker Style Handbags

Over the last several years, handbag designers have brought biker fashion to the attention of mainstream consumers. The biker-inspired styles have definitely caught on, but many people don't realize that these styles have been a part of biker leather and silver culture for a long time. We give credit to the longstanding biker leather and silver designers and loyal aficionados that have been around for decades. Sorry Paula Thomas, but leather and skulls looked cool before Thomas Wylde hit the department stores.

Below: Thomas Wylde Shoulder Bag
Messenger-style leather bag, $2,256